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AAP Releases StatShot Annual Report For 2021

AAP Releases StatShot Annual Report For 2021

September 2022

NISO Member News

Washington DC | September 16, 2022

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released the StatShot Annual report covering the calendar year 2021, estimating that the U.S. book publishing industry generated $29.33 billion industry-wide during the year, the highest number ever reported by StatShot Annual. The number reflects a $3.23 billion increase, or 12.3%, as compared to 2020 revenues of $26.1 billion.  

“The industry was firing on all cylinders in 2021, delivering benefits up and down the value chain for literature, scholarship, and educational materials,” commented Maria A. Pallante, President and CEO, Association of American Publishers.  “At the end of the day, we know that books are immeasurable and timeless as they make their way in the world.  Nevertheless, in an economy that is overcrowded with entertainment options, it is thrilling and gratifying to see such resounding affirmation for reading.”

2021 StatShot Annual Report Highlights

Physical Retail Environment

2021 saw some important adjustments to consumer behavior that differed from the previous year, including major growth in physical spaces. During the height of the pandemic in 2020, many bookstores were physically closed or offering limited physical services, and fewer people were visiting the stores that were in operation, choosing instead to purchase books from online platforms. In 2020, 50.1% of Trade revenue was attributable to the Online Retail Channel.

During 2021, however, as COVID restrictions began to ease, many bookstores re-opened and customers returned in full force to the physical sales environment. As a result, during 2021 the Physical Retail Channel climbed 23.9% industry-wide on a year-over-year basis, totaling $6.22 billion. 

Within the Physical Retail Channel, Trade revenues increased 40.4%, reaching $3.66 billion, reversing a five-year trend of decline. The total percentage of Trade revenue attributable to the Physical Retail Channel for 2021 was 19.5%.

Online Retail Environment

Purchases via Online Retail, which include sales of both digital products and physical products sold via online platforms, were also strong, accounting for 32.7% of industry-wide revenue, or $9.60 billion.

In the Trade sector, Online Retail remained dominant, accounting for 44.7% percent of revenues, or $8.39 billion.

In terms of year-over-year comparison, Online Retail Channel was roughly flat, falling 0.5% both on an industry-wide basis, and in the Trade category.

The U.S. Export Market

Like Physical Retail, the U.S. Export market reversed its pandemic-era decline, with revenues growing to $1.49 billion, an 18.9% increase as compared to 2020. 


With students returning to school in larger numbers during 2021, the PreK-12 category saw significant growth, climbing 25.3% to $4.81 billion. 

Higher Education also grew, climbing 2.8% during 2021, reaching $3.22 billion.

Trade Formats

In Trade, physical books continued to dominate the market during the year, with Hardback, Paperback, and Special Bindings each seeing double digit increases in revenue. 

Trade Paperback revenues increased 14.2% during the year, reaching $6.24 billion, and Trade Hardback revenue increased 13.6%, reaching $7.07 billion, and Special Bindings increased 11.60% reaching $42 million. 

While eBook revenue had increased for the first time in years during 2020, climbing 12.4%, in 2021 the format again declined, falling 5.0%, and coming in at $1.97 billion. 

Downloaded Audio continued to grow, climbing 12.8% as compared to 2020, with an estimated revenue of $1.75 billion for the year. The format has seen continuous growth nearly every month since 2012, with the notable exception of November 2020, when it declined 1.6%.

The full report is available for purchase on AAP’s website.


The StatShot Annual Report is based on data prepared by Management Practice Inc. (MPI), AAP’s statistics partner, and offers a valuable, financial overview of the book publishing industry that is more than the sum of AAP’s monthly statistics analyses.

StatShot Annual employs a unique methodology that combines annual data submitted by publishers and distributors, along with market modeling, to estimate the total volume of the U.S. publishing industry. Additionally, StatShot Annual reports estimated revenue and unit sales in the following market segments: Trade (consumer books), Higher Education, PreK-12, Professional, and University Presses. AAP (or its predecessor) has provided this service in a variety of forms since 1947. Participants are listed at the end of this report. MPI states the results of the survey are accurate at a 95% confidence level, plus or minus 5 percentage points. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

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About AAP

AAP | The Association of American Publishers represents the leading book, journal, and education publishers in the United States on matters of law and policy, advocating for outcomes that incentivize the publication of creative expression, professional content, and learning solutions. As essential participants in local markets and the global economy, our members invest in and inspire the exchange of ideas, transforming the world we live in one word at a time. Find us online at or on Twitter and Instagram at @AmericanPublish.