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Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project: A Presentation at the CNI Spring 2022 Membership Meeting

Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project

May 2022

This presentation, given by Todd Carpenter, along with Boaz Nadav Manes of Lehigh University, and Sebastian Hammer of Index Data was part of the program at the CNI Spring 2022 Membership Meeting, held March 28-29, 2022.


This project briefing will describe a cross-industry effort to imagine and then create an infrastructure, including a suite of improved standards and technologies, for the development and management of collections spanning groups of libraries. For more than a year, the Cooperative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) group has brainstormed how such an infrastructure will support varied business models, patterns of collaboration, data interoperability, and expertise-sharing across a range of institutions and consortia. Building on initial experiments with cooperative collections management, this project also aims to build greater community collaboration in smart collection management and promotes access to collections by improving overall institutional efficiency through partnerships. The project is seeking an Institute of Museum and Library Services leadership grant in partnership with multiple consortia, individual libraries, presses, and suppliers. The panel will share the overall vision and progress to date, as well as some of the initial use cases and implications.

Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project, Google Site

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.