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NISO Launches New Project to Create a Flexible API Framework for E-Content in Libraries

NISO Launches New Project to Create a Flexible API Framework for E-Content in Libraries

September 2017

Voting Members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have approved a new project to modernize library-vendor technical interoperability to improve the access of digital library content and electronic books. Building upon a set of API (Application Programming Interface) Requirements developed by Queens Library, a new NISO Working Group will create a foundational API set that the library community can build on. This set will fulfill an array of user and library needs, including quicker response times, flexible item discovery and delivery options, improved resource availability, and more seamless integration of electronic and physical resources. Those who are interested in participating in the E-Content API Framework working group should read the work item approved by NISO Voting members and contact NISO's Associate Director for Programs, Nettie Lagace,