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Open Teleconference September 2022 - Peer Review Terminology

Open Teleconference

Peer review is the process used to assess the validity, quality, and often the originality of articles for publication. Its ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles, as well as make sure research outcomes are exposed to relevant audiences through publication in subject-specific journals. As such, it is a crucial process in scholarly communication and a pillar of the scientific method. 

In 2019, STM recognized the need to support the industry in ensuring greater transparency and openness in peer review, which is an essential element of Open Science. This support includes harmonizing and better communicating definitions of discrete elements of these processes, so that members of the community—whether they be authors, reviewers, editors or readers—can quickly and easily recognize how to more productively participate in the creation and qualification of scholarly content. An STM working group developed definitions and best practice recommendations for the communication of peer review processes, now available in its version 2.1 form

Since last year, a NISO Working Group has been managing further publisher trials of the definitions, with an eye toward finalizing and publishing this material as an ANSI/NISO standard. This work is now nearing completion. Joris van Rossum, STM Director of Research Integrity and chair of the NISO Peer Review Terminology Working Group, will discuss the work and next steps - just ahead of Peer Review Week!

Event Sessions


 The recording is now available:

Audio Recording, September 12, 2022 Open Teleconference, Peer Review Terminology