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NISO/BISG 11th Annual Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape: Delivering the Integrated Information Experience

Conferences Attending

Event Description

Metadata: How can the information community function effectively without it? High-quality metadata drives publishers’ marketing efforts and enables libraries’ support for discovery. Whether one is operating in the publisher’s supply chain or in the library’s tech services, distribution and ingestion of complete, accurate and explicit metadata is key to success. It fuels every patron’s information activity and subsequent assessment of satisfaction and usage.

But, best practices for creating and delivering metadata across the varied spectrum of those who use it are not always followed. And it’s not just about books. Metadata must be applied to the full range of content formats – research data, recordings, and more. In a variety of settings and systems, it sustains the information needs of an increasingly mobile population!

During the NISO-BISG Changing Standards Landscape Forum, attendees will hear from industry professionals working elbow-deep in identifiers, subject classification, rights and other metadata that drive an integrated user experience. What steps are content providers taking to ensure that:

• They provide high-quality metadata?
• Feeds are appropriately ingested when transferred between systems?
• Usage will be maximized and licensed rights observed?

Only through the development, adoption, and use of community standards can we be assured that the information flow to the user is all that it should be.

Make yourself part of that conversation. Attending the 11th Annual NISO-BISG Changing Standards Landscape Forum will bring you up to date about on-going efforts by librarians, publishers and system providers to deliver a fully integrated information experience.


12:00noon – 12:15p.m. Welcome

Todd Carpenter, Exec Dir, NISO, and Brian O’Leary, Exec Dir, BISG

12:15pm – 12:45pm Understanding Metadata: Looking Forward 
Jenn Riley, Associate Dean, Digital Initiatives, McGill University Library,  McGill University

12:45pm – 1:15pm Identifiers as Metadata 
Laura Dawson, Metadata Analyst, HBO

1:15pm – 2:00pm Metadata as Applied to Books, Newly Enriched Content and Emerging Formats 
Confirmed Speakers: Rebecca Culbertson, Shared Cataloging Program, California Digital Library; Charles Watkinson, Associate University Librarian for Publishing / Director, University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan, Brian O'Leary, Executive Director, BISG.

2:00pm – 2: 15pm Break

2:15pm – 3:00pm Ingesting Metadata By Existing & Emerging Systems 
Confirmed Speakers: Tim Auger, Director, Resource-Sharing and E-Content, Innovative Interfaces, Inc.; Pat Payton, Sr. Manager, Provider Relations for ProQuest/Bowker; Diana Brooking, Catalog/Germanics Librarian, University of Washington Libraries

3:00pm – 3:30pm Metadata and Discovery 
Confirmed Speakers: Tim Spalding, LibraryThing; Ranti Junus, Michigan State University

3:30 – 4:00pm Moderated Roundtable Discussion

Event Sessions

Understanding Metadata: Looking Forward


Jenn Riley

Associate Dean, Digital Initiatives
McGill University Library, McGill University

The emergence of Linked Data technologies is sparking some fundamental rethinking of how metadata for information resources is created and shared. Indeed, even the very notions of what “good” metadata is are evolving. The opening session of the BISG-NISO Forum will examine how increased metadata sharing, the scaling up of data for discovery and research, and more automation are impacting metadata pipelines and workflows, and imagine the possible impact of these trends into the future.

Identifiers as Metadata


In a digital environment, a unique object must be identifiable. This segment will provide an update on existing identifiers and focus on their role in ensuring successful integration into a variety of traditional and emerging information systems

Metadata as Applied to Books, Newly Enriched Content and Emerging Formats


Charles Watkinson

Associate University Librarian and Director
University of Michigan Press

As technology provides new means for the presentation and delivery of content, the information community must create and apply metadata that will adequately describe that material, whether it be an e-book, a functioning application or some innovative combination of elements. What collaborations are happening to improve the quality, adaptability, and use of such metadata?

Ingesting Metadata By Existing & Emerging Systems


Tim Auger

Director, Resource-Sharing and E-Content
Innovative Interfaces, Inc.

Pat Payton

Senior Manager Provider Relations

Diana Brooking

Cataloging/Germanic Languages Librarian
University of Washington

Once aggregated, metadata must be integrated appropriately into a wide variety of inventory systems, whether the inventory be of available editions, a collection of scholarly output or roster of human expertise. Producers, vendors and librarians discuss the current challenges and potential hurdles to be overcome when integrating metadata from a variety of sources into an even broader variety of systems.

Metadata and Discovery


Ranti Junus

Systems Librarian for Electronic Resources
Michigan State University

This segment will focus on the problem of discovery for service provider, librarian, and user.  Once the metadata has been integrated into catalogs and discovery tools, what do users expect to see and/or understand about the particular item. Speakers will explore user expectations of whether the metadata adequately conveys information as to description, format, accessibility and increasingly, the parameters of permitted use?