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NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Development Project


In November 2012, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation generously provided the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) with a grant to support an initiative to develop a community roadmap that will help support movement toward a future bibliographic information exchange ecosystem. The goal of this project is to collectively determine the needs and requirements of the library, higher education, and non-profit networked information communities to ensure they are able to use and exchange bibliographic data in an increasingly networked, linked data environment.    

Over the course of the next nine months, NISO will host one face-to-face meeting in the United States and several global webinars, as well as organize at least three working group efforts during the periods between webinars. These meetings will be conducted to explore priorities and coordinate the requirements of key communities including: libraries of all types including national libraries; technologists such as those involved in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) projects; library system providers; and other international standards development organizations. The end result of this work will be a report that will identify exchange points where standards development is needed and document suggested areas where functionality testing should be performed. It should help pinpoint at a high level the development priorities and coordination points needed over the next 24-36 months.

Extract of the Proposal to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 

Project summary report, April 2014

New work item proposal for three Vocabulary development projects (November 2014): Vocabulary policies on use and reuse, Vocabulary documentation, and Vocabulary preservation requirements

Google Groups Link 

Event Session Pages

View the Launch Teleconference, January 17, 2013

View the In-person Meeting, April 15-16, 2013

View the AVIAC Meeting at ALA Annual Conference, July 1, 2013

View the Project Discussion Webinar, December 5, 2013